Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care at Kent College Dubai

We are a top international British Curriculum School in Dubai that is committed to fully supporting your child’s physical and emotional welfare and development. Our pastoral system creates a caring family community, in which every individual child and broader school community members’ wellbeing is nurtured and nourished. The Kent College Dubai community is one in which all of our pupils feel secure and supported so that they grow and reach their full potential.

This outstanding British school will ensure that your child will feel safe, happy, valued and involved so as to have the confidence to face challenges and strive to exceed their potential. As with our 135 year old Sister School Kent College Canterbury, at Kent College Dubai everyone cares for and encourages each other. Our school is a community of love and support, where every pupil knows where to go for support and feels safe and secure to do so.

Our Tutor System

The Kent College Dubai tutor system ensures that any potential issues or problems are identified and dealt with early by our caring and qualified well-being ambassadors. Class teachers in the Junior School and Form tutors in the Senior School play a very important pastoral role, establishing close relationships with each student and getting to know them as individuals in order to promote their personal and academic progress.

Across the whole school, Heads of Year work closely with class teachers or form tutors in building strong relationships with our parents. We highly value and encourage these links between home and school and as such, we maintain regular and personal contact with each family.

All pupils participate in three dedicated 20-minute well-being sessions of form-time weekly, in which a number of key areas – such as attitudes, behaviour, relationships, adoption of safe and healthy lifestyles, attendance and punctuality, internet safety, organisation, study skills and target setting – are discussed.


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