
Welcome to Kent College Dubai Admissions! 

Kent College is a Top British school in Dubai. Admissions is open year-round with early registrations accepted through 2024! Please find below more information on getting started. We welcome pupils of all abilities, nationalities and religions who will benefit from the rigorous academic, personal and social programmes on offer. We are proud of our visible commitment to inclusion, diversity and international mindedness.

Admissions Enquiries and Visits

We invite all prospective parents and children to visit our school and fill our online application prior to their visit. Parents are welcomed to contact admissions by email at for any questions related to our fees or the admissions process.  

لمزيد من الاستفسارات والتوضيحات باللغة العربية الرجاء التواصل مع السيدة عليا إبراهيم على الرقم 043180718

How to Apply

1. Complete the application form

Complete the applicable Application Form below

– Nursery School Application Form (for 18 months to pre-FS1 age)

– Foundation and Junior School Application Form (for FS1 to Year 6)

– Senior School Application Form (for Year 7 to Year 13)

2. Submit the registration documents along with the AED 500 registration fee

Registration is complete when the supporting documentation has been provided to Admissions and the AED 500 registration fee has been paid.

This documentation includes

– Copies of the last two school (or nursery) reports (must be translated to English)

– A copy of the child’s passport and birth certificate (in English or Arabic only)|

– A copy of the child’s Emirates ID and residency visa (if available)

– A copy of the parent(s)/guardian(s) passport, residency visas and Emirates IDs (if available)

– Copies of relevant medical reports, learning support reports and/or educational psychologist’s assessments, if applicable

– Children moving from UAE schools should have a transfer certificate from their previous school; this is a mandatory requirement for students in all grades.

– New Children from outside UAE and entering Year 2 and above must have a transfer certificate from their last Grade/Year of enrolment. If this certificate is from another country, attestations must be provided according to the below instructions:

3. Assessment

All children will be assessed prior to entry, ideally at Kent College Dubai. Children will offered a place at Kent College Dubai based on the strength of their most up to date school report. When needed, children will be invited for a CAT4 assessment computer based test, ideally in school. For overseas families, admissions team can facilitate the CAT4 test to be done online. If possible and when needed, we invite children to spend some time in a classroom for a taster morning. 

Assessments will be arranged by Admissions once the online application form, application fee and school reports have been submitted.

– Children joining the Foundation Stage will be assessed in an informal, play-based classroom setting for school readiness. Children must be toilet trained by the time of starting school. Foundation Stage assessments take place in small groups during January-March of the year of entry.

– Children joining the Junior School (Years 1-2) will meet with a Deputy Head or Head of Junior School for an age appropriate reading, writing and maths skills assessment. If possible and when needed, we invite children to spend some time in a classroom for a taster morning.

Age Placement Guidelines

Kent College Dubai aims to be the Best British School in Dubai. We follow the British National Curriculum, and as such we follow a 13 year school system that starts in FS1 in the year that students are 3 turning 4 years old, and finishes in Year 13 where students are 17 turning 18 years old.

The year group into which students are allocated depends on whether their birth date falls before 31 August, or after the 31st August of each year. Please note that these age bands are guidelines, and students will be placed in the appropriate year group only after an initial assessment at our school and in line with the KHDA guidelines.


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CLICK HERE for information about Fees