Application Checklist

Please ensure the following full colour scans are submitted along with the online application. Documents should be translated into English (although Arabic birth certificates are accepted).

  • 4 x full colour scans of passport sized photograph of pupil (plain white background)
  • Full colour scan of pupil’s passport
  • Full colour scan of pupil’s UAE residence visa*
  • Full colour scan of pupil’s birth certificate (check with Admissions for Attestation and Translation Requirements)
  • Full colour scan of pupil’s school reports for previous 2 years
  • Full colour scan of pupil’s immunisation records
  • Full colour scan of father’s passport
  • Full colour scan of mother’s passport
  • Full colour scan of father’s UAE residence visa*
  • Full colour scan of mother’s UAE residence visa*
  • Full colour scan of father’s Emirates ID card* ( both sides)
  • Full colour scan of mother’s Emirates ID card* (both sides)
  • Full colour scan of pupil’s Emirates ID card* (both sides)
  • Copy of the Vaccination record for the child

* Please note that if you are new to Dubai and are therefore waiting to receive Emirates IDs, you can still complete the Application Form without these documents, and these can be sent to us later once you’ve received them.

Please note that the KHDA will not accept photographs of these documents. They will only accept full colour scans. Please therefore ensure that you have scanned digital versions of all of these documents on the device from which you will be completing the application form so that they are ready to be uploaded. If you don’t have access to a scanner, we recommend using one of the Scanning apps available on most App Stores such as Genius Scan.