

Micro, Mini, Junior Dukes and Senior Dukes International Awards at Kent College Dubai

The Junior Dukes Award: “In a busy world it’s too easy to do things for children, but when should they begin to take responsibility for themselves? Micro Duke, Mini Duke, Junior Duke, and Senior Duke Awards are an award scheme for primary to senior-aged children to encourage and develop valuable life skills.” – Juniorduke.com

Kent College Dubai aims to be the best British School in Dubai, and as such we are an authorised provider of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, as well as the Micro Dukes Award, the Mini Dukes Award, the Junior Dukes Award and the Senior Dukes Award. Parents pay a nominal fee that covers the cost of importing the workbooks, certificates and badges, and the rest is run by our teaching staff in-house.


What are the Dukes Awards all about?

Every parent wants their child to succeed in school, but equally important are life skills that teach them about well being, happiness, confidence, resilience, independence, responsibility and self-reliance. At Kent College Dubai, we believe in ‘whole-child’ development – it matters to us not only how well they fare at school, but also who they turn out to be when they grow up and graduate from our school, and given how many hours children spend at school, it matters what they do and what inspiring experiences they’re exposed to whilst they are in our care during the school day. And so we want help young people to learn these valuable skills.

The Duke Awards, inspired by The Duke of Edinburgh International Award, have been developed to give children aged 4 to 13 an opportunity to participate in a variety of character- and ability-building activities and challenges. It exposes them to new experiences, teaches them independence, which in turn gives them the confidence to believe in themselves and to try new things.

Become #worldready

“By enrolling in the award, children will learn that you may not always succeed the first time and that is okay. This helps them to develop the resilience they will need throughout their lives.”

How Micro, Mini, Junior Dukes Awards and Senior Dukes Awards work

We offer both the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – for Senior School Students from Year 10 upwards – and Micro Dukes, Mini Dukes, Junior Dukes and Senior Dukes Awards for Junior and Senior School Students (FS2 – Year 8). Whereas for the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, students are given individualised online logins to a site where they can capture their portfolio of evidence, the Duke Award students are given an age-appropriate booklet. This booklet sets out the challenges that they need to achieve in order to win the award. Students get 6-9 months to complete 10 of the 14 challenges set out in their Guidebooks, and will also use these booklets to record their experiences in each of the challenges. Each Year Group (age group) has a different set of challenges.

There is a different booklet for each year group as follows:

  • FS2: Micro Duke Award
  • Year 1: Silver Mini Duke Award
  • Year 2: Gold Mini Duke Award
  • Year 3: Bronze Junior Duke Award
  • Year 4: Silver Junior Duke Award
  • Year 5: Gold Junior Duke Award
  • Year 6: Platinum Junior Duke Award
  • Year 7: Silver Senior Duke Award
  • Year 8: Gold Senior Duke Award

Pupils are given the opportunity to sign up for the award at the beginning of each academic year around September, and will receive their booklets closer to the end of that term. There will be an additional sign up period for those that missed the first one, in December/January. The responsibility is on the students to complete their challenges at home over a 6 month period. This period will end a few weeks before the end of the academic year.

Those pupils that complete 10 or more of the 14 challenges, and document these as a Portfolio of Evidence in their provided booklets, will go on to achieve their age-appropriate Award at the end of the academic year. Duke Awards are usually given as part of their year group assembly, and each child will earn a metal badge and a certificate. Many children proudly wear their badges on their blazers or ties, and the idea is that with each year that passes, they will add a new badge to their collection.

What to expect:

“Children in the Micro, Mini, Junior Duke Awards and Senior Duke Awards have completed a range of personal challenges including First Aid, learning to swim, cookery, domestic challenges, caring for others, puncture repair, washing the car, climbing a hill whilst carrying your own rucksack, polishing your shoes, making a sandwich, reading The Broons, making a presentation, playing Monopoly or chess and many other fun things!” (Sourced from juniorduke.com)

Look out for communications in our Newsletter at the beginning of each Academic Year on how you can join in the fun and become #worldready!

CLICK HERE to read more about KCD’s Duke of Edinburgh Award for Senior School Students

CLICK HERE to visit the official Junior Dukes website to learn more about this award

CLICK HERE to visit the official Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Website

Top International Primary School in Dubai

Please explore this EYFS/Junior School section of our website to learn more about what to expect from Kent College Dubai. You can also explore more about our school’s ethos and history in the About Us and School Life sections of this website. We look forward to welcoming you to Kent College Dubai – please do get in touch with our Admissions team to come for a tour of our World Class Facilities.


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