A Levels

Years 12 & 13 (Sixth form) A Level Syllabus

Kent College Dubai is a British school in Dubai offering a wide range of A level subjects. Teachers’ expectations of pupils are high. At the same time, staff are aware of the need to support those for whom A-level work is a challenge, and are always willing to offer one-to-one help. Working conditions are disciplined but flexible, class sizes are small, and pupils are encouraged to organise their own learning as far as possible. Kent College Canterbury is one of the top 50 UK independent schools for the percentage of pupils achieving A*- B grades at A-levels. Following in the steps of its sister school, Kent College Dubai also offers its Sixth-form pupils an environment that enables them to achieve their best possible grades.

There is more detailed information about the courses on offer on the KCD Options Website.

Entry for Sixth form
The standard entry requirement for A-level study at Kent College is four B/Level 6 grades and two C/Level 5 grades at GCSE, two of which must be in English Language (First language) and Mathematics.

You will be expected to have gained a minimum of a B Level 6 grade in each A level subject you wish to study. Some subjects may have further requirements; please refer to the Sixth Form Curriculum booklet for more specific information.

Subjects offered for A-level

In addition to the subjects below, Physical Education and Tutor Time are compulsory elements of the Sixth Form Curriculum.

  • Arabic
  • Art & Design
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Design Technology
  • Drama
  • Economics
  • English Literature
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Further Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Psychology
  • Spanish


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